Thursday, September 30, 2010

Electrical switch and LCB get installed

Simplifications of systems sometime cause a lot of inconvenience and insecurity. This was the case also to our system which in the beginning had as simple electrical connections as possible:
any time there was a need to change the power source, a procedure of at least 10 min had to be followed with a lot of screwing and unscrewing in fuses, raw cable manipulation, and tapes..

Luckily this was solved this week, with some great family help, a switch got installed between the PVs and the rectifier. We also installed the LCB between the PVs and the switch as well as some extra fuses before the motor as suggested by the LCB manufacturer:
Electrical connections diagram

Some photos of this amateur installation:

Putting a wood plate as a base in order to avoid drilling too many holes on the wall
The switch
Installing the switch
The switch between the LCB and the fusebox

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